Retail Outlets

Find us IRL (in real life) at a few select locations in the Columbia Valley:

Kootenay Artisan Co-op (open 11-5 daily)
915B 7th Ave, Invermere, BC
(beside Inside Edge, across from AG Valley Foods)

Radium Trading Co. (open year-round, Wed-Saturday, 10-4)
#2 7517 Main St West, Radium Hot Springs, BC
(beside Kootenay Savings Credit Union)

Crossroads Market & ESSO
548 Highway 93/95, Invermere, BC

Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre
651 Hwy 93/95, Invermere, BC


Have you heard about Invermere's newest campground?
Operated by the Lake Windermere Lions Club